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KD Dance Academy’s COVID-19 Safety Guidelines

In this document you will find some of the key changes that KD Dance Academy will be implementing for September to keep our staff, students and carers safe. As these guidelines are changing daily, these will be updated regularly so please keep checking our website for the most up to date information. Please note, most of the changes are under the Drop off and Pick up section.  Drop off and Pick up.
  • Students will be dropped off at one door and will be picked up via another door in both venues no more than 5 minutes before the start/end of their class. These zones will be clearly sign posted upon arrival. Please look out for the signage.
  • Social distancing must be adhered to. 
  • Please ensure all children come ready for ballet and have been to the toilet. There will not be a changing room but toilets will be accessible.
  • A waiting room will be situated in the pick up section for those parents of very young children. Please note there will be a limit to the number of people who can stay in the waiting room. 
  • Hand sanitiser must be used upon studio entry and children will also be given sanitiser before they leave. 
  • Only ONE parent/guardian should bring their child to ballet. Please do not bring any other family members. 
  • Do not leave anything in the drop off zone. Take all belongings with you.
Fee Payment 
  • Bank transfer is preferred to avoid as many cash payments as possible, however, where not possible cash/cheque payments are fine.
Studio and class safety.
  • Time has been left between each class to ensure that the studio can be cleaned/wiped down between groups. 
  • Classes will be adapted to ensure social distancing is maintained. 
  • Use of props will be kept to a minimum. Each class will have their own box of props which will not be shared between classes and will be washed/wiped after each use.
Ballet Classes
  • In the event of another COVID-19 shut down, all classes will be offered virtually. 
  • No refunds will be made if online classes cannot be attended.  
  • All dancers must have their own equipment, we will not be able to lend ballet shoes or character shoes. 
  • Please make sure if your child is feeling unwell that they don’t attend ballet. Anyone with COVID symptoms should follow government guidelines. 
Accidents and first aid.
  • Any child needing assistance will be cared for using the correct PPE.